Within the EU - Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Facility (EVSET Facility)

Technical Assistance to Non-MOIT Entities toward sustainable energy transition in Viet Nam

The first Call for Technical Assistance (CfTA1) under the EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Facility (EVSET Facility) is targeting Non-MOIT Entities with a focus on the contribution to the sustainable energy transition in Viet Nam. This action is implemented within the EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Programme (SETP) funded by the European Union (EU).

The CfTA1 is to identify and select specific technical assistance (TA) to be implemented, which contributes to the SETP objectives of (i) improving energy efficiency, (ii) increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy mix, and (iii) improving performance of the Viet Nam Energy Information System (VEIS).

This Call is open to Ministries (except MOIT) and public institutions at the national and provincial levels, and other key energy actors from academic and research institutions and social organisations.

This CfTA1 is open from 05 June 2023 and closed on 28 July 2023 at 11:59 PM (Hanoi time). An information session will be held on 28 June 2023 to provide more information about this Call to interested applicants. All relevant information and important notice about the Call will be published in this site.


The EVSET Facility would like to inform that the deadline for the final FTAPs submission of the three applicants with selected TACNs (shown below) has been extended until March 1, 2024.

                                                   TACN Title             Applicant nameFields

Research the impacts on labor force and disadvantaged groups of coal-fired thermal power plants of state corporations EVN,  VINACOMIN and PVN and related service supply chains in the energy transition, considering support measures

Institute of Energy

Renewable Energy ;

Capacity development and building for solid biofuels value chain key actors in Vietnam

Vietnam National University of Forestry (VNUF)

Energy Efficiency; Renewable Energy ;

Shifting the use of coal at cement factories in Quang Binh province, reducing fossil fuel consumption and enhancing waste treatment efficiency towards a circular economy

School of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Energy Efficiency; Renewable Energy ;


The Facility has sent letters of notification about the outcome of CfTA1’s TACN Stage to all applicants. Please check your mailbox.


We are now accepting the submission of Full Technical Assistance Proposal (FTAP) submitted by the selected applicants of TACN within the CfTA1. The deadline for FTAP submission is 23 December 2023.

We invite eligible entities to submit their Technical Assistance Concept Notes (TACN) in the framework of the first Call for Technical Assistance of the EVSET Facility. The indicative budget of this CfTA1 is estimated at around EUR 220,000.


Please consult the General conditions, Milestones and CfTA1 guidelines that set out the requirements and process of the CfTA1.


General conditions

Place of TA is
Viet Nam

Language of TA is English or Vietnamese

Duration of TA is up to 12 months

Budget of each TA shall be between EUR 50,000 - 100,000

Eligible applicants

Eligible Applicants, but not limited to, are:


  • EVN, PVN, VINACOMIN, Institute of Energy (if their TA proposals are not under the coordination of MOIT);
  • Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Construction, and other Ministries (except MOIT);
  • Relevant Committees of the National Assembly and Communist Party;
  • Provincial People’s Committees and Provincial Departments (e.g., Departments of Industry and Trade);
  • Vietnamese Research & Development (R&D) and Higher Education Institutions;
  • Relevant Vietnamese Social and Professional Organisations.

Eligible fields

The TA will contribute to the following eligible fields:

    Energy efficiency

    Renewable energy

    Viet Nam Energy Information System (VEIS)

Forms & Documents

Click to download CfTA1 guidelines and TACN Application Template:



An information session was held on 28 June 2023 in Hanoi to provide detailed information about the call, including the CfTA1 guidelines, TACN application template and selection criteria and answer the questions of potential applicants.

Question & Answer (Q&A)

The EVSET Facility would like to issue the Corrigendum No. 1 on the Answers to a number of questions about the CfTA1 as follows: see the full list of Questions and Answers from the EVSET Facility at

If your inquiry about the CfTA1 is not on the list, please submit your question via the form below before 19 July 2023. You are encouraged to read the Guideline on CfTA1 carefully before sending your question and TACN.

Please note that no individual replies will be given to questions. All questions and answers, as well as other important notices to Applicants during the evaluation procedure, will be published this CfTA1 webpage at Question & Answer (Q&A) section. Therefore, it is advisable to visit this section regularly to be informed of published Q&A.

Submit TA

The submission of the FTAP is in electronic format through this CfTA1 webpage. The deadline for submission is 23 December 2023 at 11:59 PM, Hanoi time.

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