The 2nd IEEP project coordination board meeting

On August 14, 2024, the 2nd coordination board meeting of the Project “Accelerating energy efficiency (EE) in larger industries through energy management system (EnMS), system optimisation (SO) and the promotion and adoption of energy efficiency (EE) in small and medium-sized enterprises” (IEEP) was organized at the headquarters of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. IEEP is implemented by the Department of Energy efficiency and Sustainable development (DEESD)-MOIT and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with the assistance from the European Union (EU).

Photo: IEEP

The meeting was co-chaired by Ms. Kristina Bünde, Head of the Cooperation Section, the European Union Delegation to Vietnam and Ms. Nguyen Thi Lam Giang, Director General of DEESD with the purpose of reviewing the Project’s implementation progress in 2024 and endorsing the Project’s workplan in 2025.

Ms. Kristina Bünde remarked: The IEEP focuses on improving regulations and guidelines and increasing technical capacity and knowledge on EE of industrial enterprises. The Project is expected to contribute to the goals of the National Energy Efficiency Programme 3 (VNEEP3) as well as the overall goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

“The meeting is an important part of the Project’s management mechanism, to review the implementation progress and to promote project activities by discussing and resolving arisen problems” Ms. Kristina Bünde emphasised.

Photo: IEEP

The IEEP comprises of 3 components: Component 1- Institutional and Policy Framework Strengthening; Component 2- Capacity Building Programme and Component 3- Implementation of EnMS and SO Projects. The activities under the 3 components have been implemented since October 2023 and accelerated in the recent time.

Both Ms. Kristina Bünde and Ms. Nguyen Thi Lam Giang recognised the Project’s efforts in implementing recent activities. Besides, Ms. Kristina underlined the need of further qualitative assessment on the training courses while Ms. Nguyen Thi Lam Giang advised on a more balanced distribution of the project activities.

The Project Coordination Board meeting ends with the decision that the Project Office is to finalise the documents incorporating the delegates’ comments and recommendations and submit it to the co-chairs for approval.

In closing, Ms. Le Thi Thanh Thao, the UNIDO Country Representative acknowledged all the delegates’ comments and recommendations and conveyed sincerest thanks to DEESD and EU for their constant support to the Project.

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